Hi! I am trying to set up an EEG-eye tracking experiment.
Our lab has a StimTracker model ST-100 (first generation I think?) which works fine with our EEG system (Compumedics NeuroScan - Synamps 2).
I want to extend my experiment to include eye-tracking data (EyeLink Portable Duo, host PC: Dell G15 5530).
Following this guide: Eye Tracking and EEG - Fast, Accurate, Reliable Eye Tracking I know I need a parallel port Y splitter cable to send the signal from the Stimulus PC to both EEG amplifier and eye-tracker host PC. However, our Stimulus PC is currently not directly connected to the EEG amplifier, but it passes through the StimTracker, which is connected to the amplifier through a parallel port cable and an adapter (?) like this: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/fsYAAOSwHgZk8llY/s-l960.webp .
So, here are my questions:
- do I have to connect the eye-tracking host PC directly to the Stimulus PC or, similarly to what we are doing with the EEG, make it pass through the StimTracker?
- In the latter case, since the adapter uses both the Parallel Port and the Extra Port, are you aware of any workaround?
Apologies for the long and technically super-specific question!