Superlab crashes on startup


I downloaded the demo and successfully ran it for a day before it started crashing on startup. I’m getting a rotating set of errors at every attempt.

“an unknown error has occured. Please contact Cedrus Corporation for more information. Error No. 1550”

it’s also been 570, 456. Basically a different number every time.

I’ve since uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.
I’ve even uninstalled, erased the superlab folder, eliminated every incidence of Cedrus and Superlab from my registry and it still crashes.

In addition despite uninstalling and deleting superlab and cedrus from the registry, it still puts my last user name and organization in the license info on startup (just before crashing) so I’m guessing there’s another “hidden” reg key that I’ve been unable to find and delete.

Our lab has already gone ahead and purchased some licenses for mac and pc, but it’s pretty useless to me if it doesn’t run on our presentation laptop (Dell XPS gen2, 2.26ghz centrino, 2 gigs ram, geforce 6800 ultras, winxp pro).

This error message is both erroneous and (obviously) uninformative. We can get more information through the License Manager itself:

C:\Program Files\SuperLab 4.0\License Manager.exe

Once License Manager is open, click “Phone/Email License.” What does it say for your “STATUS?”

The user name and organization that are coming up are not stored in the registry. It’s also completely unrelated to your license status. But, for the record, it’s stored right along with all of the other current SuperLab preferences in your user’s Documents and Settings folder under “Application Data\Cedrus\SuperLab\SuperLab Preferences.ini.” The “Application Data” folder is hidden by Microsoft, but otherwise we’ve made no attempt to hide the name and organization. SuperLab 4.0.2 also stores that information in “C:\Program Files\SuperLab 4.0\SuperLab.ini.”


I’ve since recieved our retail cd and am installing from there. However I can’t activate a license. The license manager gives the error “unable to install service”.

And am now offically stumped.

You do have to be an administrator when you install SuperLab, as the licensing service is installed in your System32 folder.

Check under the processes list in the task manager and see if “ASTSRV.EXE” is running. If not, make sure it is present at c:\WINDOWS\System32\ASTSRV.EXE and reboot. If it isn’t present, try reinstalling.


Just checked and astsrv.exe is indeed present. However license manager still gives the same error (unable to install windows service).

Running astsrv.exe manually before running license manager doesn't help either.

Do you know if astsrv or license manager is reliant on any other windows services? We've disabled all non-essential services on this computer as per the recommendations from the NBS presentation people (to keep the timing of stimuli accurate).

[QUOTE=Hank;206]You do have to be an administrator when you install SuperLab, as the licensing service is installed in your System32 folder.

Check under the processes list in the task manager and see if “ASTSRV.EXE” is running. If not, make sure it is present at c:\WINDOWS\System32\ASTSRV.EXE and reboot. If it isn’t present, try reinstalling.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know, but I’m trying to get more information. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Any luck? Still not working. I’ll try it on a different PC to see if I have any luck. The current PC is tricked out for running experimetns so I’d still like to find a way to get it to work.

I’m so sorry that I didn’t get back to you sooner. The only input I received was about administrator privileges:

Was the software installed with an admin account? Does it behave any differently if you are logged in as an administrator?

[QUOTE=Hank;264]I’m so sorry that I didn’t get back to you sooner. The only input I received was about administrator privileges:

Was the software installed with an admin account? Does it behave any differently if you are logged in as an administrator?[/QUOTE]

Managed to fix it, turns out the ast service wasn’t running properly. I had manually started it earlier but it seems it prefers to run on automatic instead of manual startup type. Not that it’s a big deal, but for future paranoid computer users like yours truly, it might help to fill in the description box or otherwise identify it as cedrus software, as it looked malicious at first glance!