Superlab 6.1 Debug Report

I updated to version 6.1 on my PC, created a remote package and tried to run the experiment. Unfortunately, the experiment does not run, I only get a debug report and nothing else happens . I would be grateful if you would help me to solve this problem.

Sorry about that. Please send us an email and I’ll screen share with you to troubleshoot.

Hello Hisham,
I have a similar problem to ‘Comtesse135’.

A student has sent me her programmed experiment in SuperLab but I cannot open it because a Debug report preview appears

Could you help?



Can you post a link to the experiment so I can download it and take a look at it? Another option is we can plan a Zoom meeting.

I managed to solve the problem by installing SuperLab 6.0 on my computer, version 6.1 does not work at all. Unfortunately, I’ve been having another issue, I created a remote package but participants are unable to run it, they get all kinds of error messages (The experiment doesn’t exist, catastrophic error, unable to find files, etc.), so this has really put my research to a halt. Could you hep me?

We haven’t had any reports thus far about an experiment that works in SuperLab 6.0.x but not SuperLab 6.1.

Please send me an email to setup a time for screen sharing.

Dear Hisham,

I sent the new remote package to a few people. They told me the experiment does not run on their computers, actually some of them only see the SuperLab logo flashing for a second and then nothing else happens, others do not even get to see the logo.

Thank you.

Can you send me a link to the Remote package that you shared with participants?