SuperLab 4.5.4 Is Now Available

SuperLab 4.5.4 is a bug fix update with the following changes:

  • Eliminated slowness that would occasionally happen when the computer running SuperLab was not connected to the Internet.

  • Rare bug: when an event was presented due to a “Present Event” action in a macro, SuperLab sometimes did not use the trial variable level the first time it’s presented. Fixed.

We recommend that all users upgrade to version 4.5.4. However, please note the following before doing so:

  • You can open all experiments saved in SuperLab version 4.0 or later. Experiments saved in 4.5.4 can also be opened in 4.5.0 through 4.5.3, but not earlier versions.
[B][SIZE="2"]Obtaining Version 4.5.4[/SIZE][/B]

The latest version of SuperLab 4 can always be obtained from