Sequential Events on the same screen


I am trying to present a sequence of events on the same screen. I want that first two of the events appear, then there is a 500 ms lag, then the second and third events appear, and all events remain on the screen until the subject provides input.

I can’t work the lag in; even though I’ve checked “end this stimulus and present the next stimulus after 500 ms” for the second event, they still all appear simultaneously.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi Bella,

Can you please post your experiment?

Experiment attached

Or rather, it is not. The attach file button is greyed out on my screen and I am unable to attach anything. I am using a mac.

I will contact you directly to work out this problem.

Hi Bella,

It seems that on your second event (color red), you need Keep Stimulus Invisible checked off. This should correct the problem you’ve been having.