Run Remote package link does not work

I used superlab 6 on a windows PC to create a remote package. The package was created, so I think I did it correctly. When I try to run the remote experiment by clicking on the “Run Remote Package” link (after extracting the files), the superlab logo is briefly shown and then nothing happens. This happened on two PCs. I have reread instructions, etc, but can’t figure out the problem.

A likely issue is that the license file is specified incorrectly in the setup in SuperLab 6. It needs to be the license file .txt that was email to you (not .zip).

If that doesn’t help, email me directly and we’ll screen share to troubleshoot.

Hi, I also had the same problem.

I’ve created an experiment with the Superlab 6.1 on a Windows 10 PC.
When I try to run the remote experiment by clicking on the “Run Remote Package” link on a Windows 8 PC, the superlab logo is briefly shown and then nothing happens.

I have read your reply of this post and I have correctly located the license file txt. in the setup, but I can’t figure out the problem.

I will appreciate your help with this situation.

Is the Windows 8 computer on the internet? It needs to be. If it already is, send me an email to arrange for a time to screen share.

Thank you for reply.

When I tried to run the remote experiment, the windows 8 computer was on the internet.
After that, I tried on Windows 7 computer and the result was the same.

I will contact you later.
Best regards.

I had this same issue, but it seemed like everything was configured correctly. Suddenly, it started telling me that the software isn’t configured properly, and I am afraid more things than I am even aware of got messed up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am already a month behind on running participants so I am doing everything I can to figure out what has gone wrong. Thank you!

Send us an email to arrange for a time to screen share and get you going.

Thank you! I sent an email last Friday. Hope to hear back soon!

Hi Hisham,

I was able to get remote working on my windows pc and I was able to run the remote package. Unfortunately when my graduate students tried running the remote package on Mac computeres they could not get it to work. Specifically, the “SuperLab 6 Remote” app never appears. They are expert Mac users and followed instructions carefully. Does the remote package have to be created on a Mac to run on other Macs?

Other than this problem, this is really a fantastic program.


Gary, a Remote package that’s created on a Mac can only run on Macs. Similarly, a Remote package that’s created on Windows can only run on Windows.

Even if SuperLab 6 was able to create a cross-platform Remote package, you still need to pilot-test the experiment on the other platform. Some fonts and font sizes will differ, and some media files may need to be converted to a different file format.