I am trying to set up an experiment that self-paced finger tapping task.
I can send event markers that mean the start and the end of event (black screen during 120 sec) to EEG data.
However, I can not send participant’s response markers to EEG data.
Is there a way to send response markers?
Please tell me the way to solve this problem.
I use superlab 4.0 & stimtracker.
EEG recorder is BrainAmp DC (Brain Products Inc.)
Tapping task uses keyboard.*
If you are using only a keyboard to send an event marker, you are going to have to use the Feedback function. Feedback will send out another event that will send out the digital pulse.
If you are using a Cedrus Response Pad, StimTracker can automatically generate an event marker when a key is pressed without having to do anything in SuperLab. For more information how this is done see the following link: http://www.cedrus.com/support/stimtracker/tn1409_onset_response.htm