I have a script with several lists (2 picture lists, 2 text lists). I’d like to create blocks that re-use the items in each list four timex. From the tutorial it appears the best way to do this is to repeat the items within the list, rather than duplicating trials. I can create the lists with the repeated items. (SuperLab gives a warning when duplicating the pictures, but allows it.) However, whenever SuperLab hits an event that displays a repeated item it keeps repeating the trial until I interrupt the program. Any idea what might be going on?
If you want to repeat pictures four times, it might be faster to add the folder containing the pictures four times instead of adding the picture files themselves. This way, if you need to add pictures later on, you don’t have to worry about re-editing the lists.
Another approach is to create a macro that repeats the block four times.
However, whenever SuperLab hits an event that displays a repeated item it keeps repeating the trial until I interrupt the program. Any idea what might be going on?
I’d be curious to see this experiment. Can you email it to me?
I emailed the experiment. Your suggestion of adding folders appears to take care of the problem for the pictures, but this isn’t an option for the text events (unless I render the text as pictures and change it to picture events).