Follow-up assistance
Thank you all for your help with my first question regarding the method of adjustment with audio. My supervisor now wants me to try and get all four expression morphs, along with their respective audio clips, to be randomized all within the same experiment. For instance:
Angry audio clip —> randomly chosen morph along Neutral to Angry continuum —> participant adjusts to match angry tone and presses 0 to move to the next trial
Happy audio clip —> randomly chosen morph along Neutral to Happy continuum ----> participant adjusts to match happy tone and presses 0 to move to the next trial
Disgusted audio clip —> randomly chosen morph along Neutral to Disgust continuum ----> participant adjusts to match disgust tone and presses 0 to move to the next trial
Sad audio clip —> randomly chosen morph along Neutral to Sad continuum ----> participant adjusts to match sad tone and presses 0 to move to the next trial
Neutral audio clip —> will occur 5 times for each of the above expression morph continuum types —> participant adjusts to match neutral tone and presses 0 to move to the next trial
Audio and their respective expression morph presentations should be random (e.g. angry could be followed by sad, then another sad, then happy, then disgust, then happy again, etc.)
For each of these four possible expression morphs, there should be 5 audio clips with the emotion, and 5 without (so 20 total times that neutral will play throughout the experiment, but only 5 of each of the other audio clips)
Altogether there should be 40 times the participant selects 0 indicating that they have matched the expression morph to the tone.
I have included experiment packages for each of these individual expression experiments. When I tried to combine them so that they were each a block within a larger experiment, I could not get it to randomly choose one expression block. Instead, it would just go in order. Or, it would combine the audio all into one section before displaying an expression morph. I am at a loss here and am wondering if it is possible to do my supervisor’s request or if we have to keep these as separate experiments?
Please let me know if it is feasible to meet his request, and if so, how I should go about doing it. We are trying to run this experiment later this week, so any quick reply would be ideal.
Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter. I greatly appreciate it. (5.93 MB) (5.86 MB) (5.88 MB) (5.9 MB)