Lost files

I establish a Stimulus List, but when opening the experiment anew after Shutting Down, get a note saying SuperLab cannot locate the files required for the experiment. They are pictures, in the same folders in the same locations as when I moved them into the Stimulus List. Any suggestions, thanks, Tom

After SuperLab prompts you to find the files and you do, are you saving the experiment at this time?

Lost Files

Monika - I did the first time, I think (!). But there are a couple of hundred files I have to locate and wasn’t going to do it again. However, I will do it tonight - my time Australia, with some whiskys - make sure I save, and see what happens. Tom

Lost Files

Monika - I saved after locating the files: which turned out easy as I only needed to locate one in each of 5 sets (instead of 256), saved and it worked! I noticed I had locked the experiment and wonder if that had stopped me saving at some stage? Anyway, thanks for the advice as it was a simple solution. Tom

Great, thank you for keeping me updated.