I would like to limit which key can determine the end of an event for two keys: “A” and “B”, i.e. the correct and the incorrect response. In the “input” of an event editor, I just see the possibility to end the event after a correct response. How can I add the key for the incorrect response?
I have also a problem determining the correct response for pairings, because each stimulus list is used for several trials and for certains trials the correct response is “A” and for others it’s “B”.
I organized my trials according to the correct response of the pairing. Therefore, if i was able to use the code values in trials to select the correct response, I would not have any problem.
However I understand SuperLab is only able to determine the correct response based on an event’s code value, and not based on a trial.
Is there a solution for this?
Thanks, Frédérique