Help with Latin square design, self-paced reading

Hello Cedrus community and administrator:

I am trying to figure out how to set up a new experiment I need to run with SuperLab very soon. So far, what I need to do exceeds my knowledge of the program!

My experiment has self-paced reading.

I have 4 conditions within subjects (+ fillers):

1)Sentences type A: trialA1, trial A2, trialA3, etc…
2) Sentences type B: trial B1, trial B2, trialB3, etc…
3) Sentences type C: trial C1, trial C2, trial C3, etc…
4) Sentences type D: trial D1, trial D2, trial D3, trial D4, etc…

Filller1, Filler 2, Filler 3, etc…

I would like to do a Latin square design, so for example a participant reads trial A1, trial B2, trial C3, trial D4 with different fillers in the middle. Then I need to randomize the sequence.

Also, how do I name the components of each sentence so it is possible to recognize them easily when I analyze the data. E.g., THe house is green every day. The det.1, house noun1 is verb.1 etc.

I really need to set up this experiment. Please, I would appreciate any help to this respect!


Unfortunately, SuperLab does not support a Latin square design. Regarding naming your files, SuperLab will record the file name within the data file, it’s your preference. If the target of your data collection is a noun, then try using, noun 1, noun 2 etc.