Experiment freezing on participants' computers

Good morning,

I’ve tried to run 2 participants (at different times) with a SuperLab Remote package. I created the experiment on a 2020 MacBook Pro. I have video stimuli, and have grouped them 2 per trial. The experiment runs just fine on my computer, but when my participants open the package on their computers, the experiment freezes at random times in the middle of the experiment and the only option is to force quit SuperLab, which leaves me without a data file.

Video is tricky across different models of Macs and different versions of the OS. Which video file format are you using?

I was actually able to solve my problem! The problem seemed to be that having participants run Zoom on their computer at the same time as the experiment caused the freezing. I now have them use Zoom on their phone so that I can communicate with them throughout the experiment, but it does not interfere with how SuperLab runs. Thank you for your help!

That’s helpful to know. Oddly, we use Zoom for tech support all the time with SuperLab users and never had a problem.

Thank you for posting a follow up.