I would like to be able to select the folder from which to generate a stimulus list during run time of the experiment. It seems like this should be doable, and would save me a lot of hassle. What I have is a number of different speakers, each saying a number of different words. I would like to randomize the presentation order of the speakers, as well as the order of the words for each speaker, but I would like to block by speaker, such that all words for a given speaker are heard before hearing the next speaker.
I can make a list of directories that contain the audio files for each speaker, e.g., s1, s2, s3, etc., then if I can select one at random, I can use that in the pathname to the folder for generating the stimulus list of audio files. When I have tried to create the audio stimulus list by reading from a text file, however, it won’t let me specify a folder, but seems to require that each audio file be individually listed, e.g., s1/word1.wav, rather than something like s1/*.
I also can’t quite get random selection of folders to work either; I’ve been playing around with parameters, tags and trial variables, all to no avail.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!