Compatible location cues


Here is my problem: I have a list of 100 stimuli and I want to present them randomly, one at a time, on the left or right side of the screen (also random). The stimulus is always preceded by two cues in the compatible location. I can’t figure out how to tell SL to present it this way, so I would be grateful for any piece of advice.

Reading it now, I see that the problem requires a more detailed description. The sequence of events goes as follows:

  1. fixation cue in the center of the screen
  2. second fixation cue, in 1/3 either to the left or right (determined at random) from the center of the screen
  3. third fixation cue, in 2/3 either to the left or right from the center (compatible with the second cue)
  4. a word, either on the left or right side of the screen, compatible with previous cues

Every word has to be presented only once per subject. I know how to do it with 100 codes and 200 trials, but is there an easier way? I would appreciate any help.

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible in SuperLab.

I have a question regarding point 4:

4. a word, either on the left or right side of the screen, compatible with previous cues

In what way should the word be compatible with the previous cues? do the cues go away, and if so, where would the word then appear? I am trying to understand your requirements better with an eye towards incorporating support for this feature in a future version of SuperLab.

The word should be presented near the right or left edge of the screen. Only one event (one of three cues or a word) is presented at a given time and the screen is always erased before presentation of the next event. It would be very usefull if we could add some values to Trial Variables within a given trial (e.g. +100px horizontally to the current value of Screen Location Variable).

Thank you for the feedback.

This is now possible in SuperLab 5.