I’m using SuperLab 4.0.7b and trying to connect it to a Lumina LSC-400B controller with the LU400-pair response pads.
I’ve tried a couple times using the auto detect feature of SuperLab to detect the controller/pads but it prompts with a message saying that there is no XID device.
I currently have all the required drivers for my usb-serial converter and I can see the converter in the system profiler so it appears to be installed correctly.
I’m running Mac OSX 10.6.7. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I installed the newest drivers from their website. I also searched around on google and found that people had issues with it, and that using the Prolific PL2303 drivers (http://osx-pl2303.sourceforge.net/) resolved their issues. I tried installing those as well, but to no avail.