cannot format text events on OS 10.6 (SL)

SuperLab 4
Mac OS 10.6.2
MacBook Pro latest model

I simply want to set fonts, sizes, etc. of a Text event. Works fine with OS 10.5 (Leopard) but with 10.6 (Snow Leopard) the Text Format dialog appears then disappears immediately.
What happens? Help!

You need superlab 4.0.8 (it’s a beta), send a private message to MonikaT

We have solved this problem by editing all the scripts on one of our Leopard computers and then transferring over to our Snow Leopard computers. Other than the font issue, it works fine.

editing text event on SL

Thanks. How do you get the 4.0.8 beta ?
Indeed, in the mean time, one can always do the editing on Leopard-stuck machines…

Just a quick note to let you know that the font selection issue has been resolved in the just released SuperLab 4.5.