I’ve created an experiment that uses the same Audio File across two similar Audio Events, and many different trials that use the same Audio Events.
However, in a run of the experiment, the Audio File will only play once; the first trial presented runs perfectly, but all subsequent trials will fail to play the sound.
The Event itself is taking place, which I can tell from the data collection which gives me accurate RT readings.
Currently the settings are on:
Stop Audio File when: the event ends
Input: end this event and move to the next one:
With any participant input, and
After 250 ms.
I also have enabled a Feedback: if RT is less than 250 ms, the event will end and skip any remaining events in the trial.
If I change the Audio File sound options to “Wait for audio to finish playing,” then all trials will present the sound, but this is not a viable option because I need the Event and the Audio File to end with participant input.
I also have the experiment set to load all files before the experiment.