Allowing stimulus to remain on screen after auditory error feedback

Please forgive me if this topic has been broached before and I am unable to find it.

I am building out a motor sequence learning task with error feedback (an unpleasantly loud blast of white noise) for incorrect responses in SuperLab 6.1. A side effect of introducing this auditory “error” feedback is that the stimulus on the screen now goes away after an incorrect response rather than staying on the screen until the correct response is given (as it did prior to me implementing the error feedback). Given the trial completion time is a primary output for me, this issue is a significant one. Is there a way to allow for the stimulus to remain on the screen if an incorrect response is given (as it did before) WHILE ALSO providing feedback for incorrect responses? Effectively, what I am looking for is to allow for the participants to experience the following scenario:

  1. Stimulus A appears,
  2. Incorrect response to StimA given,
  3. Error feedback given signifying the wrong response to StimA is provided,
  4. Participant self-corrects response to StimA prior to exceeding the time limit (1sec) to provide the correct response,
  5. Either consequential to the correct response or an exceeded time limit, StimA disappears and the next stimulus in the sequence is presented and the experiment continues…

I am happy to share the file as needed.

Thanks very much for your recommendations in advance!