Patient response vs. input string in the output when using tags

Hi Experts,

When I use the tag function to code the correct response in my experiment, I noticed that there are two columns in the output labeled as “patient response” and “input string”. The patients were asked to type in their answers in the experiment. I figured that the “input string” is the actual patient’s response because there are some correct and wrong answers. I have no idea what the “patient response” column is for, it only shows the answers when they are correct, and it’s blank when the patient’s answer is incorrect. Could anybody tell me what’s the difference between this two columns?

I ask this only because I once tagged wrong and I had to go back and judged the answers manually. The two columns were confusing in that process.


I do not see a column labeled “Patient Response”. Perhaps you mean “Participant Response”.

If so, the Participant Response column refers to responses that you - the experiment designer - have labelled in Participant Input.

This is easy to see when using keys as input:

Here, I have labelled a ‘q’ response as the “Q key”.

This is difficult to see when using string input because the actual responses may be similar or equivalent to your labels:

As you can see, the only difference between the actual response (Input String) and how I have labelled the responses (Participant Response) is a capital letter at the beginning of the word.

Also, I have included the Correct Response column to show you that the Participant Response column can be filled even when the participant responds incorrectly.