Reaction Time Question (superlab 4.0)

I have developed an image based Stroop task and would like to measure how long it takes the participant to respond after each image is presented (40 images or so in the event). So an image will appear and I want to record (starting from 0) how long it takes the participant to respond. Then another image will appear and I want the timer to start from 0 and record how long it takes the participant to respond and so on.

Do I need to select “reset the reaction timer”, or just select “record and save responses”?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

You have to select both, Reset RT timer and Record and save responses. Resetting the timer starts it back at zero.

Reaction Time Question

Thank you so much for your help. I have my first participant this afternoon and I was just going with my gut that I should select both.