Feedback for stimulus lists

I would like to add both correct feedback when a response is correct and incorrect feedback when a response is incorrect. I have a stimulus list. While I can do it for single events without any problem, when I try with stimulus lists, Superlab keeps showing both types of feedback after every item. Any ideas whether this can be solved?



Hi Gisela,

SuperLab is able to have incorrect and correct feedback to indivual events in a stimulus list. Do you think you can post your experiment?

Experiment attached

I’m attaching a trial experiment. There should also be actually an audio stimulus list as well but I deleted it for covenience. Feedback to the practice works OK but as soon as the stimulus list starts, feedback goes wrong.

Thanks for your help


Testfeedback.sl4 (53 KB)

Hi Gisela,

You had everything set up correctly, except you do not need to have the correct and incorrect feedback as an event type. You experiment will run properly by just having your incorrect and correct responses set up in the event editor, under the Correct Response tab.

blank slide

If I don’t write anything as Event Type for the two feedback events, what I get is a blank slide (even if I use the correct response tab and check the correct/incorrect response option).


I just solved my problem. I had to uncheck the two feedback events I had created. For some reason, I thought they had to be linked. Thanks so much for your help.
