Capture the Paciant Response

Hi, I’ve been working with the trial version of Super Lab for quite some time now, but one of the things that i can’t work it out is : I have an experiment that shows to the participant a group of words, than after all of them I show a part of a word like “Ar” than I ask the participant to complete this part with the first word that pops in his mind, than i need to combine the part of the word with his response, like : “Ar” (part shown) + “med” ( participant response).

How can i get the participant response.

Maybe you could just ask the subject to enter a word beginning with the prompt. So, if the prompt is Ar, the subject could type “Armed”. Would that work?

Yes , but this don’t resolve the biggest problem, how i get the response of the participant.

This functionality is not available in SuperLab 4.0. There isn’t a way to display the results from a string input on the screen.

Define a Keyboard-String Input response, call it, say, “answer”; leave the “The response” blank; and check the “Save this response to the collected data file” option. Select “Show String Input’s Edit Field etc.” = “Only if an event designates etc.”. In Reponse Completion, specify no limit on length of string, a liberal time-out period such as 30 s, and select “If the participant presses the Return/Enter key” = “Participant has completed the response”.

Define a preliminary event “study” to display the list of study items as a text string for a certain time.

Define a test event “test” to display the cue (e.g., Ar…) as a text string; click the “Record and save response” button; set up Input to “End this Event…After any response”; and set the Correct Response to “One or more of the following”, and click the checkbox next to “answer”.

Set up a trial “the trial” to include “study” and “test”, and set up a block “the block” to include “the trial”.

Then click :arrow_forward: to run everything. You’ll see the study set for the specified time, then a screen with the cue (Ar…) with a string entry box under it. The subject types “Armed” (which echos on the screen) and hits return, which ends the event, the trial, and the block. If you saved the data in a file, you’ll see Armed as the subject’s reponse.

Does this not meet the criteria? Or have I misunderstood?

The difference, as I understand it, is that in the originial specification, the subject would only type “med”, and the program would combine that with “Ar” to form “Armed”. But in my previous suggestion, I proposed that the subject type the whole word, that is, “Armed”; that way, no later combination would be required; the subject would simply see the whole word as he or she typed it. If this isn’t adequate, then of course my suggestion doesn’t work.

However, there is another possible approach if the subject must type only the completion, and that would be to position the cue string immediately to the left of the keyboard string input box, so that the letters typed by the subject would appear immediately to the right, forming a word. That would be tedious to set up, but it might be quite satisfactory.

Greg Shenaut

My understanding of the request was that the word should be displayed on the screen in SuperLab. Yes, the actual typed response will be in the data file, but it can’t be put on the screen by SuperLab.

I agree, that’s the crux of the matter. I just thought it might be acceptable for the subject simply to be able to see the word as he/she typed it, given that there’s no way to capture the input and display it later during the experiment.

(As a random programming aside, if there was one or more “reserved” text string events in the experiment, it would be fairly cool if you could select one for the keyboard input string to be copied into. Then running that event as feedback would display the latest string. The same trick could be used for other pieces of runtime information – there was a recent question about displaying trial numbers, for example. I guess you’d end up with a menu of data sources (last entered keyboard string, last RT, current running time, trial number, percent correct, experimenter-defined string, etc.) and another one of destinations (names of text string events), as an option on events.)


Thanks, it´s really a pitty that it can´t be done