license issues

I recently installed Superlab 4.5. I then put in the serial # and created an account under our lab administrators name. I chose to activate the account on this computer for 1 year and just renew it annually. When I created the account it gave me an error: MS Crypt Error Number 57: MS Message: The parameter is incorrect. Followed by another error message: Cannot create empty activation file.

When I exited Superlab and went back in it still says that it is a demo version and not registered. I tried to activate again, this time using the email address and password, and I got the same error messages, even though it says I have already activated the license on this computer.

Please let me know what to do to get this program working.

Downloading the newest version of SuperLab will fix this issue. The newest version should read February 20, 2012 when you go to the Help, then About SuperLab.