terminating audio stimulus after video event


In the portion of my task that is currently giving me trouble, I am running an audio stimulus followed by a video stimulus followed by a picture. My intention was to have audio stimuli run simultaneously with the movie stimuli, and end when the movie stimuli end (the audio tracks are longer than the movies).

So far, within the audio event, I have tried clicking “end this event and move onto the next one: immediately after the event is presented” under the input tab and clicking “stop audio: when the trial ends” under the stimulus tab. However, in this circumstance, the audio stimulus continues to play after the video has ended (since the entire trial is not yet over).

I have also tried creating a “blank” audio stimulus and having it begin after the video and before the picture with the hopes that this would stop the previous audio stimulus. However, the initial audio stimulus continues to play.

Any other ideas about how to create a workaround for this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Try moving the picture file to a new trial. This way the audio will end when the movie ends.

Thank you!

Hi Monika,

Thank you for your previous idea. I discovered, however, that this solution is not compatible with my task.

Because I have randomized my trials at the block level, I cannot move my picture files to the trial level. It seems to me that doing this would cause the task to pull pictures from the list in a different random order than the videos, and I need the videos and pictures to be “matched” and pulled the same spot in the list.

Here is the specific structure of my task:

Within my task block, I have two trial sequences. I am having the task block pull randomly the lists within the events associated with each trial. This way, all of my event sequences are being administered in random order.

Within each of my experimental trails, I have an audio clip followed by a video clip followed by two pictures (displayed side-by-side). As I mentioned previously, I have the trials set up in such a way that the immediately after the audio begins, the video begins. The pictures are not displayed until the video has finished.

At this point, I have two main problems:

My first problem is that I need the audio to end when the video ends. I would simply make all of my audio files the exact length of the videos, but the videos are all different in length. Is there any other way that I could get the audio to end with the video without making the audio a new trial?

My second problem is that I would like to have the audio files be pulled from the audio list in a different random order than the video and picture file lists. Is there any way to accomplish this?

Thank you for your help with this long and complicated question.

My first problem is that I need the audio to end when the video ends. I would simply make all of my audio files the exact length of the videos, but the videos are all different in length. Is there any other way that I could get the audio to end with the video without making the audio a new trial?

Try putting your audio, video, and picture stimuli in one trial in that order. Have the picture stimulus “erase the screen” and end “Immediately after the event is presented” under the Input tab.

Then, create a macro under the Block Editor and have it present the event where you will be collecting responses. Also, have your macro set to run after each trial is presented.

My second problem is that I would like to have the audio files be pulled from the audio list in a different random order than the video and picture file lists. Is there any way to accomplish this?

Unfortunately, this cannot be done in SuperLab.

Thanks for your help.