Accuracy of Recognition for Speech Presented to the Right and Left Ears

This experiment is based on the following paper:

Broadbent, D.E. & Gregory, M. (1963). Accuracy of recognition for speech presented to the right and left ears. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 16, 359-360. Reprinted by permission of the Experimental Psychology Society.


Dichotic listening, the presentation of different sounds to each ear, is now a well known experimental procedure used to study and localize cognitive functions to different brain hemispheres. In their first experiments, Broadbent and Kimura found that subjects are more likely to recall words presented to the right ear over the left ear. However, a similar experiment with music found a left ear advantage (LEA) using a recognition test. Since the right ear advantage (REA) for words was based on a recall test, it is possible that the difference resulted from the method rather than material type. Broadbent designed this experiment to use a recognition test with spoken words in order to determine if the REA is based on the task or the type of sound.


The full text describing the experiment is available here.

The experiments are available below. (391 KB) (415 KB)