How Do the Parietal Lobes Direct Covert Attention?

This experiment is based on the following paper:

Posner, M., Walker, J., Friedrich, F., & Rafal, R. (1987). How do the parietal lobes direct covert attention? Posner, M., Walker, J., Friedrich, F., & Rafal, R. (1987). How do the parietal lobes direct covert attention? Neuropsychologia, 25, 135-145.


Previous research has shown that patients with lesions to the posterior parietal lobe have difficulty disengaging their attention and refocusing it to a stimulus in the visual field opposite (contralateral to) the lesioned side.

This paper attempts to determine whether lesions of the parietal lobe produce a deficit in shifting attention in a direction opposite to the lesion (contralesional) irrespective of the field in which the target occurs. Although deficits on the contralesional side of objects irrespective of visual field have been reported in clinical neurology theories of deficit found with parietal lesions have not usually seen this as a fundamental aspect of the disorder. (p.135)


The full text describing the experiment is available here.

The experiments are available below. (26 KB) (32.3 KB)