RB response pad with windows 7 64-bit

Greetings. I’ve just tried to install an RB box that we received in December, 2010 to be used with eprime 2 on a pc running 64-bit windows 7.

I get the following error: 0x00004a46
Unable to open the SRBox
SRbox might not be installed

I can confirm that I’m using the correct baud rate on the box, that is linked to COM4, and was installed correctly.

Please let me know what I can do at this point.

cheers, dbt

It’s hard to tell from the brief description. This question is better (and faster) answered by phone. Call me at your convenience.

It was good talking to you earlier. As we discovered, the response pad is working fine with Windows 7 64-bit (SuperLab was able to “see” it). The problem specific to E-Prime in that the “PST Serial Response Box Driver” needs to be installed. Once installed, along with the “PST Port I/O Driver”, you should be able to see them in Windows’ Device Manager under Other Devices:

eprime and SRBOX lsc-400B

Hello Hisham, Long time no see. That is good for us - no troubles!
well, i have one now:
1 am having issues lately with our exisiting eprime 2 installed with Cedrus Lumina SRBOX and was running great for the past 3 years+. Now stopped running, with error:

[B] SRBOX error: 0x00004a46

message: unable to open SRBOX 0x00000103

SRBOX device driver may not be installed.

pstnet.com/e-prime/support/kbasp?topic DI=2581

Line 786 ( and another error has line 926 )

error # 10051 [/B]

So, what happened here? where are the drivers for this SRBOX? Do i have to re-install eprime 2???

I am using Lumina cedrus controller #LSC 400B.

Pls. advice.
With much respect and best reagards,
Raj Sangoi _ NY 10962

Hi Raj, I’m glad that all is well on your end. Error 10051 is described on our website at this page. Let me know if this still doesn’t solve it.